Our Instructor Certification Protocol







"We are not interested in great fighters. We are interested in great instructors. Great instructors make great fighters.".



Under the Fairbairn Protocol organization, “Specialized Instructor: Light, Wind & Motion” is recognized as our entry level qualification.

The following process is Fairbairn Protocol’s official entry level instructor certification protocol.

To achieve certification, all Candidates must pass this selection/certification process.




Entry level Certification Prerequisites:

In order to be accepted as a Candidate for certification, the applicant must first demonstrate the following prerequisites.

They must have demonstrated their willingness to follow the policies and etiquettes, etc., of the Fairbairn Protocol organization.

They must be recognized as one of the following,

  • Being a current member of a recognized Fairbairn Protocol chapter,
  • Or currently leading a study group recognized by Fairbairn Protocol,
  • Or having been formally recognized for a special approval.


Instructor Certification:

Modifications and Special Approvals:

All requests for special approval or modify to the Instructor Certification Protocol must be approved by the Head Instructor of the mother chapter.



  1. Requests for Certification. Every instructor has the right to decline an applicant’s request to certify under them. Once a Certified Instructor has accepted an applicant, that applicant then becomes a Candidate under that instructor. That Certifying-instructor is then obliged to remain responsible for their Candidate for the duration of the protocol.
  2. Certifying-Instructors and their Candidate must demonstrate the mutual cooperation and respect accorded to their respective positions and objectives.
  3. In the case where a Candidate has demonstrated unsatisfactory performance or poor character deficits the Certifying-instructor has the sole-right to terminate the certification process at any time.
  4. Should a Certifying-instructor for whatever reason become unable to continue the selection process, they are then obliged transfer their Candidate to another instructor. In case of such transfers, both the Candidate and potential Certifying-instructor retain the right to decline the transfer. The Candidate retains the right to request transfer to an instructor that they name. The named instructor also retains the right to decline the transfer. Failure to complete a transfer will result in terminating the Candidate's selection process.
  5. With the Certifying-instructor and their Candidate in full understanding, compliance, and mutual agreement of the above criteria, they may then enter into the protocol process for entry level certification.


The Selection/Certification Process: Duration

  • Completion of the full certification process will take (but is not limited to) approximately 1 year.



Step 1: Initialization: Motivation letter

Every Candidate must write a simple essay explaining how and why their objective is to achieve instructor rank and how their certification will benefit both them and Fairbairn Protocol.

  • (1-A4 - 8.5”x11” page, line spaced at 1.0)

Verification: The essay must be sent by email to the certifying-instructor; C.C. Barry Drennan at (submissions@h2h-selfdefense.com).

 Step 2: Self-study

Every Candidate must complete an approved self-administered program of academic self-study.

Verification: Personal responsibility.

Step 3: Training Experience

Every Candidate must complete the following approved physical training programs.

  • The approved program for Solo training is the “Overwatch International Loner I Remote-training” module.
  • In combination with an approved study group, or under the guidance of a certified instructor; the latter is preferred.

Verification: Personal responsibility.


PHASE 2: Certification

 Step 1: Mutual consent - Candidate and Instructor

Every Certifying-instructor and their Candidate must mutually agree that the Candidate has achieved the theoretical and practical skills as required to enter the certification phase of the protocol.

Verification for steps 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5: The Certifying-instructor has the responsibility to document the Candidate's abilities (by personal observation and/or requesting video via the Candidate’s YouTube channel.

Step 2: Café littéraire 1

Every Certifying-instructor and their Candidate must engage in an Expert-talk about book 1

  • Every Candidate must provide a written review of book 1, (The Science Combatives).
  • The Expert-talk must focus on the contents of Book 1.

Verification: Every Candidate must expand on a subject by creating and submitting a work aid of intellectual added value (e.g., Mind map/Flow chart).

Based on previous experience, the Certifying-instructor determines the duration (maximum duration 3 hours).

 Step 3: Seminar Day 1 - Focus: Toolbox:

Every Candidate must demonstrate a practical sequence of physical training with the focus on a clean execution of the techniques.

Verification: Evaluation and correction by the certifying-instructor.

Based on previous experience, the Certifying-instructor determines the duration (6 hours maximum).

Step 4: Café littéraire 2

Every Certifying-instructor and their Candidate must engage in an Expert-talk about book 2.

  • Provide a written review of book 2, (Light, Wind & Motion - Second Edition).
  • Expert-talk must focus on the contents/theory of, Book 2.

Verification: The Candidate must expand on a subject by creating and submitting a work aid of intellectual added value (e.g., Plan of short lesson).

Based on previous experience, the Certifying-instructor determines the duration (3 hours maximum).

Step 5: Seminar Day 2

Focus: Flow

The Candidate must demonstrate a practical sequence of physical training with the focus on the flow of several techniques.

Verification: Evaluation and correction are performed by the certifying-instructor.

Based on previous experience, the Certifying-instructor determines the duration (maximum duration 6 hours).



Final LIVE IN PERSON TEST for Certification.

Every Candidate must participate in a practical live training event with the Certifying-instructor onsite. (Based on previous experience) the event should be at least 6 hours. Every LIVE TEST is to be followed by a brief review of Notes for Instructors.

Method: Live instruction to a group. Stress is placed on the Candidate’s ability to instruct.

Verification and brief review: Conducted onsite by the certifying-instructor.

Pronouncement of Selection: To be determined by the certifying-instructor.


Mandatory Renewal of Certification:

Once Certified, an instructor must request an academic renewal of their certification every three years. Failure to renew will result in certification being listed as; “Currently Inactive”. In order to reactivate a “Currently Inactive” certification, the holder must return to their mother chapter to complete a renewal process focused on verifying/ reestablishing that the instructor’s skills are up to par and up to date. A positive confirmation results in the reactivating the holder’s accredited status.


Fairbairn Protocol Chapters, Affiliates, and Associates:

Chapters: Fairbairn Protocol Chapters are recognized as a recognized group, school, or organization, that holds a Fairbairn Protocol chapter certificate. Every Fairbairn Protocol chapter must have a head-Instructor who holds a current instructor certificate issued by Fairbairn Protocol. Fairbairn Protocol chapters are certified to provide instruction in the authentic Fairbairn Protocol model of William Ewart Fairbairn’s Gutter Fighting method. Every Fairbairn Protocol chapter must provide a Gutter Fighting program that follows the recognized Fairbairn Protocol model. Their right to provide other separate courses is dully recognized.

Affiliates: An Affiliate is a recognized group, school, or organization, that does not hold a Fairbairn Protocol chapter certificate. An affiliate has an instructor who holds a current Fairbairn Protocol instructor certificate issued by Fairbairn Protocol. Affiliates are certified to provide instruction in the authentic Fairbairn Protocol model of William Ewart Fairbairn’s Gutter Fighting method but hold no obligation to do so. Their right to provide other separate courses is dully recognized.

Associates: An associate is a Fairbairn Protocol recognized study group whose head-Instructor is pursuing but has yet to achieve Fairbairn Protocol instructor certification.